Favorite Authors in Order

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sparkle's Story

 Non fiction by Louise Allen

Sparkle is eleven years old and has been caring for her two younger siblings, and shielding them as best she can from their irresponsible parents, for years. When she is removed from her home, Sparkle is separated from the younger two kids and sent to foster carer Louise Allen. There Sparkle begins to try to confront her identity issues in some unhealthy ways and brings in a world of trouble for Louise and her family. It complicates things greatly when Sparkle begins identifying as pangender, and Louise is required to navigate a world she's never experienced.

This was an interesting story with some things to think about. It was complicated somewhat by a lot of interior monologue from Louise, which may have been important to understanding her reactions as a foster carer but also got a little boring.

I also read recently by this author: Max and Mia's Story

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Fiction b y Karin Slaughter

This is book number five in the Grant County series (see below). In this novel, county coroner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffery Tolliver investigate the case of a girl buried alive. Ugh.

It's a pretty dark story but it does hold surprises, along with a bit of a cliffhanger that means there's at least one more book in the series...

I also read by this author in this series: IndelibleA Faint Cold FearKisscut, and Blindsighted

Thursday, September 5, 2024

What You Wish For

 Fiction by Katherine Center

Samantha is a librarian at a private elementary school in Galveston, Texas, where she moved several years ago from a school in California. Since she's been in Texas, Samantha has begun to flourish in way she never has before, and she feels like life is good. She only vaguely remembers Duncan, the man she nursed an overwhelming crush for, and the reason she fled California. And maybe she might wish to see him again. But then, Duncan comes to her school in Texas....

This was a fun little straight romance.

I also read recently by this author: Hello Stranger

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Head On

 Audible Original Fiction by John Scalzi

This book is a sequel to Lock In, which I just listened to. Both are listed as "only from Audible," which I think qualifies them as Audible Originals; however, I know that at least the first book is also available in print, and at my local library. So that's why I didn't list that one as an "original," although may be I should have?

Anyways, this book is set in the same future universe as Lock In, and also features FBI Agent Chris Shane. In this story, Agent Shane and his partner Agent Vann are faced with an athlete who inexplicably drops dead while competing in the exciting new sport Hilketa, played in robot bodies and involving... decapitation? (Just go with it; it will make sense inside the story framework.)

This was as interesting and original as the first story, and the ending is a surprise.

I also listened to recently by Audible Originals: We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

Monday, September 2, 2024

Lock In

 Fiction by John Scalzi

In the future world of this novel, there are a significant number of people who have been left completely debilitated by a (lab-engineered?) worldwide virus that has swept the planet. Initially the virus, called Haden's Syndrome, kills some people, but most recover. Then the strangeness begins: of those who recover, some catch a second, more dangerous stage with meningitis-like symptoms, and some progress to a third stage that leaves them completely paralyzed. These people (now called just "Hadens") are considered "locked-in," because their brains are still alive and active, and their automatic body systems function, but no voluntary part of their bodies will work. They cannot move or communicate. Medical science (relying heavily on governmental subsidies) finds a few solutions to help these people, but it's technology that truly manages to unlock the Hadens population. So begins a world where people can move around in robot bodies and navigate a special version of the internet with their minds.

Okay that's just the back story.

The book is actually a murder mystery, starring newly minted FBI agent Chris Shane, who is a Haden using a robot body (called a "threep") and investigating Haden-related crimes in the Washington D.C area.

This was an amazing innovative and interesting book. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stay With Me

 Fiction by Ayobami Adebeyo

This story, set in Nigeria during the end of the twentieth century, gave me and interesting glimpse into as culture I'm completely unfamiliar with.

At its heart, it's simply the story of Yejide and Akin, a married couple navigating though the crippling despair of infertility until the strain breaks them apart. But the cultural aspects of the strongly patriarchal, polygamous traditions in Nigeria, along with the political unrest of the time make everything worse for Yejide, and for Akin too, as it turns out.