Favorite Authors in Order

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Fiction by M.R. Carey

This was a really cool story that did not go where I expected. It's about a woman accused of a terrible crime who is sent to a prison called Fellside, but it's no Orange is the New Black.

It's a great thriller if you don't mind a little weirdness.

[On a side note, what's up with authors who only use their initials instead of their first names? (i.e., J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis) Are they trying to appear smarter? More mysterious? Androgynous? I don't know, but for some reason it makes me really curious to find out what their ACTUAL name is, and also their gender. This particular author, by the way, is a man who may or may not be named Mike. I had to know.]

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