Favorite Authors in Order

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Fiction by Ken Follett.


I've mentioned before that I really enjoy listening to Ken Follett's books on tape. Wait, I think I'm dating myself badly here. I mean audiobooks; I realize no one calls them books on tape anymore.

Anyways, this novel was no exception; it was a science scare thriller that rivaled Michael Crichton's books in that genre. To tell you how much I loved it: I kept driving in frigid Alaska temperatures longer than necessary to keep listening. My iPod missed downloading one part of it and I thought I might have to kill someone at iTunes if I had to skip from part three to part five. (Fortunately, part four was safely downloaded and no one was harmed. Whew.)

What I'm saying is: This was a great thriller. Read it!

I also read by this author recently: Hornet Flight

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