Favorite Authors in Order

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Girl Before

Fiction by J.P. Delaney

The Girl Before

Here is the story of two women: Jane in the present and Emma in the past, and their stories are eerily similar. Emma ended up dead, but what will happen to Jane?

How's that for a teaser? Does it make you want to read this book?

On an unrelated note, I've mentioned before about the trend I've noticed of authors identifying themselves by initials, such as E.L. James of Fifty Shades of Grey fame. I've speculated that they are trying to sound androgynous, keeping the reader from identifying the author as a male or a female. Well, I found an interview online with this author, who is using a pseudonym, and he ADMITTED that was his goal! (Click here to read that article if you're interested.)

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