Favorite Authors in Order

Friday, September 29, 2017


Fiction by Sarah Miller.

Caroline: Little House, Revisited

This novel is Little House on the Prairie re-imagined from Ma's point of view.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the Little House books as a little girl, and as I read them to my kids when I was an adult I really began to empathize with Ma. Laura (of course) thought her Pa was the greatest, but I felt that if he were my husband I'd be annoyed at him for dragging me all over the wilderness for no good reason. Caroline left her family and everything she knew to live in various places just because her husband wanted her to. As a military wife I can really identify!!

This book was really good, and it includes some historical notes as well, explaining which parts Laura might have remembered wrong.(Since she was only three or four years old we realize her account can't be perfect.)

Also it answers some questions about pioneer life that Laura Ingalls Wilder never addressed, namely: WHERE did they go to the bathroom?!

You know you wondered that too.

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