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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Monogram Murders

Fiction by Sophie Hannah and Agatha Christie.

The Monogram Murders: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery (Hercule Poirot Series)

I found this book in the Agatha Christie section of the bookstore, but it is not actually written by Agatha Christie, or even co-written by her, since she's been dead since the mid-seventies, and this book was published in 2015. Instead, it is a new story based on the character she created, the detective Hercule Poirot, written by someone else entirely. Apparently this has been done with the permission and blessing of the Agatha Christie heirs.

That being said, I thought this was a good Poirot story and stayed true to the detective's character as I remember him. Many reviewers seem to disagree with me on this point, by the way; you can see the link above to the b&n page and read their comments if you wish. (There are some lovely gems, such as: "This tome is a disgrace to the memory of Dame Agatha and Poirot." Wow. Tell me how you REALLY feel, Anonymous. This tome is a disgrace to the memory of Dame Agatha and Poirot.ThThis tome is a disgrace to the memory of Dame Agatha and Poirot.)

Obviously the writing style is not identical to Agatha Christie's, which would be impossible, but I found the plotting and character development very similar to hers. And, besides that, it was a good story. I will be reading more of these books.

So there.

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