Favorite Authors in Order

Monday, October 16, 2017

An Autobiography

Nonfiction by Agatha Christie.

An Autobiography

This was a long version of a celebrity-memoir type, by which I mean the story is only interesting if you are already interested in the person for another reason. Since I do really like Agatha Christie and her stories I did enjoy reading about her, but the book is not by any means as good a piece of writing as any of her novels, which are fabulously plotted.

Of course, that is not the intention of an autobiography, and in her defense I don't think Mrs.Christie ever intended this to be published and read in the form it's in. It's basically a collection of her musings about her life history complied and edited by her daughter after her death.

That being said, I was interested particularly in her relationship with her first husband (Mr. Christie, from whom she was divorced rather early in life) and where her writing ideas came from, so it was worth reading.

I also read recently by this author: Ordeal by Innocence

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