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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Boy Born Dead

Nonfiction by David Ring, David Wideman, and John Driver


This was an interesting true story about David Ring, a young man with cerebral palsy who became a great speaker and evangelist. It's told in a surprising way, through the point of view of David Wideman, a boy who befriended him when the two were teenagers. The result is a very readable story that, I think, would have been less compelling told from just David Ring's viewpoint.

So the writing credit should really go solely to the "ghostwriter" John Driver, in my opinion, because he conducted the interviews of both boys, made the artistic choice to change point of view and make the story ten times stronger than a first-person account would have been and... oh yeah, DID THE ACTUAL WRITING of the book. But such is the fate of ghostwriters, I suppose.

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