Favorite Authors in Order

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Misenchanted Sword

Fiction by Lawrence Watt-Evans


Several of my friends have done this thing on Facebook in which they post The Ten Books That Have Impacted Me The Most, or something like that. They post a picture of one book each day and then "challenge" their friends to do the same.

(I am not doing that, no matter if they challenge me or not, by the way. They can look at THIS BLOG to see what books I read, for crying out loud! Not that anyone does. Sigh.)

Anyways, one of my friends stretched this challenge to TWENTY books, posting one in the morning and one in the evening for the prescribed ten days. I noticed that almost all of his books were sci-fi titles that I hadn't heard of with rather old and battered covers. This book was one of them, and I decided to try it.

This was kind of a fun little story about a soldier in a mythical land whose sword gets enchanted rather badly by a wizard who either doesn't like him, or isn't very competent, or both. (Hence the title.)

I really liked the book but I don't necessarily recommend the audiobook version that I got; the narrator reads as if he were a radio announcer instead of a storyteller.

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