Favorite Authors in Order

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Find Another Dream

Nonfiction by Maysoon Zayid


So, I have a subscription to audible.com, and this is one of their "Audible Originals" that you can only get through their website.

I really like my subscription, to be honest. If you're interested in that sort of thing, here's an explanation: I pay $14.99 and receive credit for one audiobook each month, plus I can choose two of their "originals" from a list that changes monthly. I can also purchase credits in multiples for about $11 each to get additional books. Since audiobooks normally cost at least twenty bucks each, and often more than that depending on the length, I feel like it's a good deal. I listen to several books a month.

Although I have enjoyed all the books I've picked from my subscription, the Audible Originals have been a kind of a mixed bag. Some of them are really good, and some are actually terrible. I'll review some more Originals later to show what I mean. (one of them I reviewed a while ago; see The Apartment.)

This book --YES, we are three paragraphs in and I'm just now getting to the part about this book-- was really good. It's a memoir read by the author, who is a comedienne and actress, and she is super fun to listen to! She is Palestinian-American and has cerebral palsy, and her story is about finding her way in the world of performing, despite being told many times to, "Find another dream."

It's a fun book to listen to and not super long.

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