Favorite Authors in Order

Monday, February 24, 2020


Fiction by Karin Slaughter


As the title does not suggest, this was a police story. I'm not sure about the reason for the mysterious quality of the title unless the author is referring to undercover work, which does feature prominently.

The story opens with Lena and Jared, a pair of married police officers who are ambushed in their home. As Lena fights off the assailants, she recognizes one of the men who is present but not participating in the attack. He gets away, but oddly, but she doesn't tell anyone she saw him there.

Who the man is and why Lena covers for him is only part of the story. This was an exciting thriller.

Unfortunately, it is apparently part of a series that I didn't know about. ARGH! It's number 7!!! Labels, people! Why can't you LABEL these things?

I also read recently by this author: Cop Town

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