Favorite Authors in Order

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sparkling Cyanide

Fiction by Agatha Christie.

One year ago, Rosemary Barton drank a fatal dose of cyanide-laced champagne in a roomful of people at a restaurant. Although this seemed a most bizarre way to commit suicide, the coroner had ruled that she must have put the powder into her own drink, since no one else could have done so, according to all the witnesses. And who would have wanted to murder Rosemary in any case?

But now, her sister Iris is beginning to believe that more than one person at the restaurant that night could have wanted Rosemary dead. And so the party is assembled again at the same table. Will someone else end up dead? You bet!

This was an interesting mystery, featuring Colonel Race as sole detective for once.

I also read recently by this author: The Hollow

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