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Monday, May 11, 2020

The Truth Teller

Fiction by Angela Hunt.

Lara Godfrey has just lost her husband Michael to a very aggressive cancer, but she still wants to have his baby. Fortunately, Michael banked his sperm before submitted to the treatments that ultimately failed him, so she is able to proceed with an artificially conceived pregnancy. Geneticist Dr. Braun assures her that he can isolate and remove any of Michael's sperm that might have been affected by cancer genes. 

But Lara does not know that her doctor has been bought off by an eccentric billionaire who has ideas of growing a new genetically altered super-race of humans. Can Lara save her child from becoming an experimental subject?

This was an interesting story that got very exciting at the end. The book was originally published in 2000 and then "updated" later, but they should have left it alone, and said it was set in 1999. The editors only changed some of the dates and identifying details, so it got confusing to read. Still, it was a good book.

I also read recently by this author: Passing Strangers 

My copy of this book had a prettier cover (from amazon.com)
 The Truth Teller: Angela Hunt: 9781595540478: Amazon.com: Books

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