Favorite Authors in Order

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Whisper Man

Fiction by Alex North

This was an exciting and terrifying story about child abduction. At the beginning, there is Neil Spencer, a six-year-old boy who should not be walking home alone at his age. After Neil's disappearance, DI Pete Willis discovers a link one of his old cases. Twenty years ago, DI Willis arrested Frank Carter, a child killer that the press nicknamed "The Whisper Man," because of his habit of whispering to the kids through their windows at night before abducting them. But Frank Carter is still behind bars.

And then there is little Jake Kennedy, who lives alone with his dad after the untimely death of his mother. He's been talking to an imaginary friend... or is he too hearing whispers through his window at night?

This one seriously gave me the creeps but I couldn't put it down.

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