Favorite Authors in Order

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Second Hand Curses

 Audible Original Fiction by Drew Hayes.

This was a fun little story set in a fairytale universe where mythical creatures and magic spells have real-world ramifications. For example, when Cinderella accepted the fairy's help for one wonderful evening at the ball with the prince, she effectively signed a magical contract to pay for that night of fun with a lifetime of servitude in the fairy's house afterwards. Whoops!

Enter the heroes of this story, the Bastard Champions, a trio of scoundrels who can help a person escape just such a problem... if that person can pay their fees. And since Cinderella has the besotted prince waiting in the background to marry her, it looks like she can afford their assistance.

This story is just part of the first chapter of the amusing little novel, full of great characters and fun plot twists. I really enjoyed it! 

I also listened to recently by Audible Originals: Poirot Investigates

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