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Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Light Years

 Fiction by R.W.W. Greene

I found this at the Dollar Tree and it looked good. You don't expect much from a book at the Dollar Tree, to be honest; I'm pretty sure that's the place where bad books go to die. But this was (fortunately!) not a bad book.

Over a thousand years in the future, Earth is pretty much dead, and everyone who possibly could has evacuated into space colonies. Adem is a part owner in his family's starship business, which gives him a livelihood and freedom to travel, but limits his dating prospects. It's tough to meet chicks when you land on a planet for only a day or two at time, and then when you come back only a few weeks in light-year travel later, you find that years have passed on that planet since you last visited.

So Adem does what most space travelers do: contracts with an on-planet matchmaker to buy a wife from a couple expecting a baby, and then plans to come back and pick her up when she's twenty-four years old. Wait, what?! Yep, you've got to do some willing suspension of disbelief on this story, but if you know anything about science-fiction you should be aware of the light-years-travel-time-distortion concept.

Anyways, this was a pretty good story that kept my attention.

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