Favorite Authors in Order

Monday, September 26, 2022

A Net for Small Fishes

 Fiction by Lucy Jago

I think that both the title and the cover of this book are misleading, and not in a good-for-marketing kind of way.  This is a story from the Jacobean era of English history, centering in the court of King James VI. The cover looks like it's something mysterious and modern; the title sounds (to me) like it's something intellectual or maybe Asian? I think this marketing team should take a cue from Philippa Gregory.

You see those pretty brocaded bodices? That says "English Period Drama." That says "Royal Court Intrigue." That says "Someone Probably Gets Beheaded." And that's what this book is. 

But to be honest, it looks like even our girl Philippa's marketing team is moving away from this idea; all the current reissues of  her books are bodice-free. Oh well. 

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