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Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Collective

 Fiction by Alison Gaylin

Camille is obsessed with the rich boy who, five years ago, lured her fifteen-year-old daughter Emily to a college frat party and then (allegedly) raped her and left her in the woods to die. I say "allegedly" because the boy was legally cleared of wrongdoing and never charged with any crime. But Emily is dead, and Camille knows he is responsible.

But now Camille has found an online forum of like-minded grieving mothers like herself, women who feel the justice system has failed and long to see their children's killers punished. But are they just venting their feelings through words? Or is there really a way to see justice for Emily done?

You can guess where this is going, of course, but there are still some surprises in this book. It's pretty dark.

I also read recently by this author: Hide Your Eyes

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