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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sociopath: A Memoir

 Nonfiction by Dr. Patric Gagne, PhD

The author of this memoir is a diagnosed sociopath. From a very young age, Patric realized she didn't feel things the way other kids did; she couldn't feel some emotions at all and others seemed dulled and blunted. She worried that this meant she was irretrievably bad, and set on a lifelong journey to find out what was wrong with her and what could be done about it. She ended up with a PhD is psychology.

This was a very entertaining memoir to read. Of course, it could be all made up, since sociopaths are also liars, but I don't really think so. It was all very interesting.

Here's something that bugged me: What is up with this woman's name? Is it weirdly shortened from Patricia? Did her parents want a boy? It would have been very easy for her to explain her name in the narrative: Just have someone ask her about it! I mean, don't tell me no one has ever in your whole life asked you why you have a boy's name, Patric! Or is it a pseudonym? Why doesn't this bother anyone else?

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