Favorite Authors in Order

Saturday, August 3, 2024

How Not to Die Alone

 Fiction by Richard Roper

Andrew works at British government office that arranges burials for people who die alone. (Is this a real profession in England? I don't know.) But the job is really starting to get to him, since he is himself a single man who wishes he had a wife and children of his own.

This was a quirky little story with good characters and a pretty good plot.

P.S.  I thought this was a fun and unusual title, and it is. I figured it would be a cute fiction story about someone who doesn't die alone at the end, and it is. Much like a similarly-titled book I read recently How to Walk Away, I did not expect this book to actually tell me how to DO anything, and it didn't. 

But it turns out there is another book by the same title that's an ACTUAL self-help book. How Not to Die Alone by Logan Ury is a nonfiction book that is supposed to help you find lasting love. 

So... if reading Andrew's story makes YOU worried about dying alone, there's another book for that problem!

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