Favorite Authors in Order

Saturday, December 9, 2017

My Sunshine Away

Fiction by M.O. Walsh

My Sunshine Away

In this story, the unnamed first-person narrator explains a terrible time in his early teens, when he was rather darkly obsessed with a neighbor girl, and may or may not have done something bad to her. The whole thing is kind of this guy explaining what happened and why he did things and what he's sorry about, in not-exactly-chronological order.

It was mostly interesting, and the characters were pretty good, but it was kind of depressing to read. It got very difficult to slog through the darkness of the story, but I did want to see what happened at the end. When I finally got there I found a little unexpectedness and some resolution, but it was not a satisfying conclusion to me. The author seemed to be trying to put in a happy ending that didn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the book.

I don't know about this one. I was too unhappy reading it to give it a thumbs-up though.

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