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Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Woman Who Walked into Doors

Fiction by Roddy Doyle

The Woman Who Walked into Doors

Well, this was another book that depressed the heck out of me.

It's about an Irish woman with a drinking problem whose husband beats her. Yep, you guessed it! She didn't REALLY walk into doors. She just had a lot of black eyes and broken bones.

Although it's a well-written book I just didn't like it. I mean, does EVERYTHING have to be terrible in this lady's life? Jeez!

And, yes, I realize that sometimes life really is that terrible. But that is NOT why I read fiction. Novels are a place where all the terrible can be fixed with a stroke of the pen. (Or the tap of the computer keyboard, or whatever.) Bad things happen, but all is not lost! Good can triumph over evil!

Not in this book.

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