Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Measure

 Fiction by Nikki Erlick

This story had great characters, and lots of fabulous reviews. I wanted to love it. But the premise.... I just couldn't buy it.

One day, for no reason, every adult in the whole dang world receives a box on the exact same day. Each box is inscribed with the person's name and a message in that person's native language that reads, "The measure of your life lies within." Inside the box is.... wait for it... a string.

Okay, so the gimmick is: the strings are different lengths, long or short, and it is discovered that the length of the string accurately indicates the length of the person's life

Now I've used a lot of italics here. There are just so many unexplainable elements in this premise. And the author just... doesn't explain. I read the whole thing: the boxes (indestructible! WHY?), the strings (somehow infallible! HOW?), the rigidity of Fate (you can't escape your string! ARGH!). I looked for any way this course of events could be possible. IT'S NOT!!!

I can't even with this book. 

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