Friday, June 21, 2024

Differently Morphous

 Audible Original Fiction by Yahtzee Croshaw

At the beginning of this story, there's a training school in Britain for youngsters who show signs of magical powers. Also there's a secret ministry office that is in charge of all things related to magic. But if you think that you've heard this story before, you haven't.

From the very beginning, it's obvious that this is NOT the relatively benign Britain of Harry Potter. The magic in this story is darker and weirder.

This was a really good story with great characters. I loved it up until the very end, at which point I was confused. Maybe the author is trying to set up for a sequel, but I'm seriously not sure what actually happened.

Still, this is a really good book and an amazingly original one.

I also listened to recently by Audible Originals: The Case of the Felonious Faire

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