Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sparkle's Story

 Non fiction by Louise Allen

Sparkle is eleven years old and has been caring for her two younger siblings, and shielding them as best she can from their irresponsible parents, for years. When she is removed from her home, Sparkle is separated from the younger two kids and sent to foster carer Louise Allen. There Sparkle begins to try to confront her identity issues in some unhealthy ways and brings in a world of trouble for Louise and her family. It complicates things greatly when Sparkle begins identifying as pangender, and Louise is required to navigate a world she's never experienced.

This was an interesting story with some things to think about. It was complicated somewhat by a lot of interior monologue from Louise, which may have been important to understanding her reactions as a foster carer but also got a little boring.

I also read recently by this author: Max and Mia's Story

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